Thursday, December 18, 2008

My Website

Hey so I made me a website. Check it out

Its gonna be a lot of what you see here but its kinda cool.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Makin YouTube Bank

NY Times Article

The above article is about a chance to make some serious money, from posting online videos. YouTube has asked individuals to allow advertising on their videos. The effect. Google makes money and the poster's make money. So much in fact taht some have turned it into a full time business. The dream job now seems to be living at home and making YouTube videos. Then sit back and watch the money flow.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Sad Sad Day

A temp-worker at Wal-mart died on black friday this year. This is truly a sad day. It is appearent that some people value material objects much more than human life.

The NY Local Daily News went on to say "When the madness ended, 34-year-old Jdimytai Damour was dead and four shoppers, including a woman eight months pregnant, were injured."

Setting records...In a wheelchair!

Aaron Fotheringham is the epitome of inspiration. Talk about taking what you have and making the best of it!

Our countries leaders FAIL

There's something wrong with this...

Our countries leader's are not even educated in their field of profession. If they don't know much about the country they run, what is it they care about. This is truly pathetic, yet what is worse is that we elect these people. WTF! We should include this test on all candidates before we the people vote. That could produce a few laughs

Monday, November 24, 2008

An Answer...

Above is a link to a small passage about a possible answer to the Co2 problem. It mentions locking CO2 up in rocks. Sounds do able but my question is how permanent it will be. Lets say we are able to lock up millions of metric tons of CO2. If a earthquake happens to mess this up will these millions of tons be released back into the air. Doesn't sound bad but it doesn't actually permanently solve the problem. But least were thinking about it

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Communicating with Technology

NY Times Article

Above is a short NY Times Article about some of the pros of the technology many teens use to communicate. The technology many young adults use to communicate is text messaging on thier phones, IM chatting on the internet, or on socializing sites such as myspace for facebook. There were many pros listed about the use of such communicating tools such as getting familiar with technology and learning to create a homepage to clearly describe who you are. But it even goes farther than that. Right now I'm posting on the internet and communicating with people I possibly don't even know. So what advantages does this have? It lets me get my ideas out into the world and who knows maybe someone somewhere will hear what I have to say...

Anyways our school has blocks on all the computers that don't allow kids to access myspace or facebook. Although I wish it were otherwise I do initially agree with this policy. If there were no blocks students would spend the majority of the time they have access to a computer on such sites. Its just one more distraction to stop kids from working. However, if there was ever a way to moniter such use and only allow it when a student had free time, then I think myspace, facebook, and texting in class should be allowed. Hey if its good enough for NY Times...

Wednesday, November 19, 2008


So unfortunately we just recently lost a fellow student at our school, Bobby Donelson. I didn't personally know Bobby but I just wanted to say I'm sorry to everyone who did and my condolences go out to the family and friends of Bobby. I'm sorry

Monday, November 17, 2008

A peek at the future...

The link above is a list of some futuristic laptop designs. Some of these are really pushing the envelope. It seems the newest thing is all touch screen. Of course this makes sense because there is no need for a mouse and the keyboard is part of the screen. Some of the more farout concepts include a clear glass screen that uses holograms to produce a picture.

My question is if laptops will even be around much longer. All decent phones now have internet capabilities and all the good ones make owning a laptop just one more thing to carry around. Yet is still think laptops will survive. The biggest downside to handheld devices like phones is the screen size is miniscule and it is almost too small i.e. the buttons are too close together. People will continue to desire laptops for the bigger screen easier use, and of course the larger memory. Anyways check out the link and see what you think...(god i hate rhyming)

Thursday, November 13, 2008


So I'm just gonna say this again...I've got a ski blog up at Now I'm not saying this blog is better, but I will be posting all the pictures of me skiing there and it could be pretty sick. So go to the link and follow the blog to check it out

Let it Begin

Well yesterday marked the beginning of my senior wrestling season. It's gonna be a huge year, actually it HAS to be a huge year. I get no "next year"-s. What that means is state or nothing.

But anyways first wasn't bad we did some okay stuff with our assistant coach Ty Camelletti. Our head coach, Ty Zabel, was busy so he couldn't make it but anyways it has begun.

I'm looking to wrestle at about 135 lbs and we'll see how that goes. Anyways all i could think about last night was only 4 more It might be a long season, and there will be times I hate it. So why do it? I've asked myself the same question. Its because I love to win, I want to be the best, and there's nothing better than working hard and reaping the rewards by totally dominating some poor kid. That and I might be a little unstable, but all good wrestler's aren' all there.

Anyways thougth I would give a shoutout to let yall know I'm starting wrestling season and might be posting some mores tuff about how my tournaments go and all. Peace...

Tuesday, November 4, 2008


I got some Tattoo pictures up...


So today is election day for the 2008 election with Obama vs. McCain and whether you like it or not I'm gonna give you my two cents.

Straight up, I'm an Obama fan. More specifically, i'm not a McCain fan. I don't always agree with Obama but I agree much more with him than McCain. And more often than not his ideas make sense to me.

For example, I know he's looking to raise taxes, but he's gonna raise taxes for the upper classes. Unlike McCain who believes tax breaks for the upper class will trickle down...

Also Obama is big on natural or renewable energy sources. I support this and think that the next big thing is going to be a new energy source.

There are many other points I agree on but those are the main two. Anyways I'm a Obama supporter and thought I would let yall know

Monday, November 3, 2008

18 years; 936 Weeks; 6570 Days; OLD

Hey so I just turned 18! I can now legally buy tobacco products, porn, and go to war.....And none of these things matter to me! All that matters is I have a tattoo! I'll get a picture as soon as I can.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008


So we are on the final countdown to HALLOWEEN!

Regardless of your age Halloween is a fun time for all Little kids get to go get candy from strangers and dress in any manner they please; Older kids get to go out and stay out all night with friends and celebrate a holiday where you're supposed to raise hell; and adults get to scare the little kids they give candy to. What a perfect holiday.

Anyways I did a wee bit of research (it was required...) and found out about the origins of Halloween.

It started as a Celtic tradition that was passed down and modified as time went on. The name Halloween was given after the Pope designated Nov. 1 as All-saints Day or All-Hallows. Thus the night before became known as All-Hallows Eve or Halloween.

Anyways for my Halloween I'm looking to go out. Maybe stay out all night and just have an all around good time.

Monday, October 27, 2008


Hey everyone I just made my new blog dedicated all to skiing so if you get a chance go to and follow my blog so you can keep up with me stompin the POW

Red Ribbon Week

Alrighty so its Red Ribbon Week here at our school this week. Red Ribbon Week is a week devoted to a man named Kiki Camarena who was killed by drug traffickers. The purpose of the week is to get young people interested in bing drug free and learning the dangers of drugs.

The Red Ribbon Week kicked off last Thursday with an inspirational speaker, and MTV "Made" Coach" named Jeff Yaldin. Jeff has visited our school a couple times in the past and has always done a great job. He's funny and can relate to younger kids, the real purpose of Red Ribbon Week. Jeff's story wasn't all about being drug free, which was good because he was able to cover a broad range of subjects.

We are now beginning the actual Red Ribbon Week. I personally have no special plans concerning Red Ribbon Week beyond signing the banner promising to be drug free this that will be a stretch for me...(for all you who don't know me thats sarcasm).

Anyways Red Ribbon Week has a good message and its a fun week where we occasionally get out of school. Just thought I would let all you in cyberspace know what its about and ya know...spread the word.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Predicting A White Winter

So this morning I had the first little taste of winter...a small (ok an extremely small) dusting of snow ok my car. But it did its magic and now I am extremely pumped for winter! Can't wait to get on my skis and stomp the pow. The question is will there be pow?
Last year we had a record year at Steamboat Springs (my local Ski Town USA). And wouldn't it be wonderful to have another record year back to back. So i wanna know if its possible to predict the weather for the winter and what those predictions are saying...

Of course there are the tried and true ways:
The farmer's almanac predicts a colder than average year, but made no mention of snow. It does have to be cold for it to snow and that will keep it on the ground
The National Weather Service, unfortunetaly, predicts a warmer than usual winter which will melt the snow but our records are based on total snowfall, not the base.

And then the more fun but crazy prediction ideas:
  • Some say the bees will tell you. If there are a lot of bees around then it will be a harsh winter
  • Another animal prediction is if you look at wooly booger caterpillars. If they have a thinner than normal orange stripe and their coats are thicker it will be a harsh winter.
  • Yet another bug prediction is that if more than normal yellow jacket nests are in the ground the harsher the winter will be.
  • And the craziest prediction I've heard...Looking at pig spleens. Paul Smokov, 84, of Steele, N.D, claims that by looking at pig spleens he can predict the winter. He says if the spleen is wide where it attaches to the pig's stomach and then narrows, it means winter weather will come early with a mild spring. A narrow-to-wider spleen usually means harsh weather in the winter.

All these ideas are a little too wierd for me and the Almanac and Weather Service are at odds so looks like I'm gonna have to wait and find out...

Friday, October 17, 2008

Plumber Joe

So the 2009 presidential election is coming up. Its gonna be a huge election, one for the history books. And what is the newest idea in this colossal election? Joe the Plumber. A seemingly average Joe (lol thats funny) who cornered Obama and asked about his new tax plan which wouldn't allow Joe to buy a plumbing business. Obama didn't respond with a direct answer (not too great on his part) and instead said "I think that when you spread the wealth around, it’s good for everybody.” Obviously not the best answer and McCain was sure to hammer that into the dirt on his presidential debate. Yet there are some things that everyone should know about Joe the Plumber...
According to the NY Times Joe isn't even a licensed plumber. It is illegal to have a plumbing practice and not have a plumber's license in Toledo, where he lives. Go figure...
Also Joe owes some outstanding taxes...
And after some closer inspection analysts found that based on the money Joe makes on his illegal plumbing practice he would actually be eligible for a tax cut, not a tax raise...
Someone needs to get their poop in a group. Everything about this story is bogus. McCain is out supporting a liar and a fool who has no idea what he is talking about. Obama is still supporting the middle class and trying to get them tax cuts. And Joe the Plumber, the hot topic of the 09 presidental election, is now a fool in the lime light. HAHAHA isn't the world funny.

On a last note I was asked to include in this post about how I would run taxes if I were president. I would definetly side with Obama on this. I agree with the democrats that the tax breaks need to go to the working class and the people that really need it. The republican view seems bogus to me that the tax breaks would eventually trickle down. It hasn't worked for the past 8 years...

Thursday, October 16, 2008


Ok here's some things to think about:

If a spaceship goes the speed of light and turns on its headlights what happens...

If a jet goes the speed of sound and speakers behind you are turned on will you hear them

If a jet goes the speed of sound and speakers in the front are turned on will you hear the sound backwards?

Why in the hell are there mosquitos? Like what are they good for...

If mankind makes a robot that is able to learn and reproduce is that a new species?

If a hurricane in America is caused from a butterfly flapping its wings in China what happens in China when Rosy O'Donnell has gas...

What happens to atheists when they die?

Are Satanists tortured when they go to hell?

What all do we really know as facts? So many things are told to us and we take them to be facts. Santa Claus was real as anyone else when we were little because everyone said so. Really what do we know for sure?

And of course...If a woodchuck could chuck would how much wood would a woodchuck chuck?

I think the real question is how in the hell does one chuck wood in the first place?


ok so i'm gonna make a blog about juggling. its fun to do and really really cool.

  • First you get three balls.

  • then you throw one up

  • then you throw another up

  • then you catch the first

  • then you throw another

  • then you catch another

  • then you throw another

  • then you catch another

  • then throw another

  • then catch another

  • then throw another

  • then catch another

  • then throw another

  • then catch another

Easy right...ok forget it I tried

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

PC vs. what is that?

I've been asked to compare PC vs. Mac...and its not gonna be easy. Unfortunetly, I have very little to no experience using a Mac so this will be a tough comparison. My first choice in choosing a computer would be a PC. Why, because that is all I have experience in and if i'm gonna drop serious money on something like a computer I wanna know I will like the product. However, I do know there are some die hard Mac users out there, and not as many die hards for a PC. Also, Mac does appeal to a younger crowd and seems to be the leading edge in innovation. It does help that Mac is made by Apple, the same company that makes the ground-breaking iPod. Who knows Mac could be the way to go, but in dealing with equipment like computers I'm gonna have to stick to my guns and go with PC.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Dance Petition

Ok so as you know the administration has declared no grinding at our dances. THIS INCLUDES PROM. Zabel said he is open to change though so what needs to happen is stucco needs to create a petition for students and staff to sign. This isn't going to be a formal petition and I know very few people will look at it but if you get a chance comment on this blog, just say "signed" and leave any thought you have just so i know I have your support. Also tell your friends...

People are Stupid...

I just wanted to make a little post about possibly the funniest site I've been to in a while. If anyone gets a chance, unfortunetly its blocked from the school, head on over to There is a good chance you will laugh your ass off...

The blog is dedicated to people who fail at life...or whatever it is they are attempting at the time. Now I know this entire site is about people who mess up, miserably by the way, but I have learned something. There are some extremely stupid people out there. You hear about people this dumb and laugh it off but unfortunately its for real...

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

School Censorship

Currently our school has extreme censors in place on all computers, including teachers. These censors filter through every website the computer attempts to bring up and if it finds a single word or image the school decides is inappropriate the entire site is blocked. I understand the concern here. Parents don't want children looking at certain images or words and school administrators don't want students looking at innappropriate things on school computers. But the censors are out of hand when they limit our ability to learn at school. I honetly use a computer for everything, research for class, college applications, scholarships...everything. When these things are not available at school it seriously hurts our ability to learn or make progress on things such as college apps.

I sympathize with the need for some censors. There are somethings that should not be viewed at school that surely would be if there were no censors in place. Our censors our just way out of hand and limit what is possible to do at the school. The computers and the internet should be a doorway to knowledge and be an immense tool to assit the school. Instead we have just the opposite...

Tuesday, October 7, 2008


Albert Einstein once said, "Imagination is more important than knowledge"
Why in the world would one of the smartest men alive dare to say that knowledge isn't as important as creativity. Because he is one of the smartest men alive and he is right. Knowledge is knowing something. So where does that get school very far. All school does is have teachers shove facts down your throats and have you regurgitate them back. But in life creativity will take a person much farther. New ideas about everything from a new car to a theory on life in general are not gained by knowledge. You can't have knowledge on something if it hasn't been thought up. Creativity is the act of thinking these thoughts up. It is through creativity that Einstein created the theory of relativity and that Stephen Hawking invented his theory on black holes. Science, Technnology, and any thoughts about life in general would find a limit without creativity to push the limits and discover what no one else has. Again Einstein astounds us...

Monday, October 6, 2008

Dance Bummer

Ok so idk if you know but at our homecoming dance this year we (the student council) were ordered not to allow any grinding at the dance. Needless to say not many people danced. We had planned this awesome dance with glow sticks and what not and then because of administration the whole dance kidna flopped. The threat is that the same rule may be applied to prom...a prom with no grinding... how sad. So i plan to talk to Zabel about this. I'm gonna tell him how this imposes on our freedom of expression. Its not like what we are doing is even that bad...its dancing. Worse things go on in the halls of the highschool. Regardless if any of you have an idea i could bring to zabel in hopes of saving prom please let me know!

I Am Who and What Is Insanity

Hey, I'm Mitchell. This is who I am and what I'm about...

I live in Hayden, CO.
I'm a Senior at HHS - We just won homecoming
I play football-Wide Reciever and Corner
*I WRESTLE* - Its what Men do during boys basketball season
Lissa is my sweetie
Totaling a car is a very expensive rollercoaster...not advised

Purtty much...