Monday, November 17, 2008

A peek at the future...

The link above is a list of some futuristic laptop designs. Some of these are really pushing the envelope. It seems the newest thing is all touch screen. Of course this makes sense because there is no need for a mouse and the keyboard is part of the screen. Some of the more farout concepts include a clear glass screen that uses holograms to produce a picture.

My question is if laptops will even be around much longer. All decent phones now have internet capabilities and all the good ones make owning a laptop just one more thing to carry around. Yet is still think laptops will survive. The biggest downside to handheld devices like phones is the screen size is miniscule and it is almost too small i.e. the buttons are too close together. People will continue to desire laptops for the bigger screen easier use, and of course the larger memory. Anyways check out the link and see what you think...(god i hate rhyming)

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