Friday, October 17, 2008

Plumber Joe

So the 2009 presidential election is coming up. Its gonna be a huge election, one for the history books. And what is the newest idea in this colossal election? Joe the Plumber. A seemingly average Joe (lol thats funny) who cornered Obama and asked about his new tax plan which wouldn't allow Joe to buy a plumbing business. Obama didn't respond with a direct answer (not too great on his part) and instead said "I think that when you spread the wealth around, it’s good for everybody.” Obviously not the best answer and McCain was sure to hammer that into the dirt on his presidential debate. Yet there are some things that everyone should know about Joe the Plumber...
According to the NY Times Joe isn't even a licensed plumber. It is illegal to have a plumbing practice and not have a plumber's license in Toledo, where he lives. Go figure...
Also Joe owes some outstanding taxes...
And after some closer inspection analysts found that based on the money Joe makes on his illegal plumbing practice he would actually be eligible for a tax cut, not a tax raise...
Someone needs to get their poop in a group. Everything about this story is bogus. McCain is out supporting a liar and a fool who has no idea what he is talking about. Obama is still supporting the middle class and trying to get them tax cuts. And Joe the Plumber, the hot topic of the 09 presidental election, is now a fool in the lime light. HAHAHA isn't the world funny.

On a last note I was asked to include in this post about how I would run taxes if I were president. I would definetly side with Obama on this. I agree with the democrats that the tax breaks need to go to the working class and the people that really need it. The republican view seems bogus to me that the tax breaks would eventually trickle down. It hasn't worked for the past 8 years...

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