Monday, October 6, 2008

Dance Bummer

Ok so idk if you know but at our homecoming dance this year we (the student council) were ordered not to allow any grinding at the dance. Needless to say not many people danced. We had planned this awesome dance with glow sticks and what not and then because of administration the whole dance kidna flopped. The threat is that the same rule may be applied to prom...a prom with no grinding... how sad. So i plan to talk to Zabel about this. I'm gonna tell him how this imposes on our freedom of expression. Its not like what we are doing is even that bad...its dancing. Worse things go on in the halls of the highschool. Regardless if any of you have an idea i could bring to zabel in hopes of saving prom please let me know!

1 comment:

Willi said...

I agree you should be allowed to grind at dances. At least at prom for those seniors that have been to many proms. No grinding would ruin there last prom. We can't have that now. I bet if your not allowed to grind at prom a bunch of people will not go.