Thursday, October 16, 2008


Ok here's some things to think about:

If a spaceship goes the speed of light and turns on its headlights what happens...

If a jet goes the speed of sound and speakers behind you are turned on will you hear them

If a jet goes the speed of sound and speakers in the front are turned on will you hear the sound backwards?

Why in the hell are there mosquitos? Like what are they good for...

If mankind makes a robot that is able to learn and reproduce is that a new species?

If a hurricane in America is caused from a butterfly flapping its wings in China what happens in China when Rosy O'Donnell has gas...

What happens to atheists when they die?

Are Satanists tortured when they go to hell?

What all do we really know as facts? So many things are told to us and we take them to be facts. Santa Claus was real as anyone else when we were little because everyone said so. Really what do we know for sure?

And of course...If a woodchuck could chuck would how much wood would a woodchuck chuck?

I think the real question is how in the hell does one chuck wood in the first place?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

that was good... that was good