Thursday, November 20, 2008

Communicating with Technology

NY Times Article

Above is a short NY Times Article about some of the pros of the technology many teens use to communicate. The technology many young adults use to communicate is text messaging on thier phones, IM chatting on the internet, or on socializing sites such as myspace for facebook. There were many pros listed about the use of such communicating tools such as getting familiar with technology and learning to create a homepage to clearly describe who you are. But it even goes farther than that. Right now I'm posting on the internet and communicating with people I possibly don't even know. So what advantages does this have? It lets me get my ideas out into the world and who knows maybe someone somewhere will hear what I have to say...

Anyways our school has blocks on all the computers that don't allow kids to access myspace or facebook. Although I wish it were otherwise I do initially agree with this policy. If there were no blocks students would spend the majority of the time they have access to a computer on such sites. Its just one more distraction to stop kids from working. However, if there was ever a way to moniter such use and only allow it when a student had free time, then I think myspace, facebook, and texting in class should be allowed. Hey if its good enough for NY Times...

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