Wednesday, October 29, 2008


So we are on the final countdown to HALLOWEEN!

Regardless of your age Halloween is a fun time for all Little kids get to go get candy from strangers and dress in any manner they please; Older kids get to go out and stay out all night with friends and celebrate a holiday where you're supposed to raise hell; and adults get to scare the little kids they give candy to. What a perfect holiday.

Anyways I did a wee bit of research (it was required...) and found out about the origins of Halloween.

It started as a Celtic tradition that was passed down and modified as time went on. The name Halloween was given after the Pope designated Nov. 1 as All-saints Day or All-Hallows. Thus the night before became known as All-Hallows Eve or Halloween.

Anyways for my Halloween I'm looking to go out. Maybe stay out all night and just have an all around good time.

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