Tuesday, October 7, 2008


Albert Einstein once said, "Imagination is more important than knowledge"
Why in the world would one of the smartest men alive dare to say that knowledge isn't as important as creativity. Because he is one of the smartest men alive and he is right. Knowledge is knowing something. So where does that get you...in school very far. All school does is have teachers shove facts down your throats and have you regurgitate them back. But in life creativity will take a person much farther. New ideas about everything from a new car to a theory on life in general are not gained by knowledge. You can't have knowledge on something if it hasn't been thought up. Creativity is the act of thinking these thoughts up. It is through creativity that Einstein created the theory of relativity and that Stephen Hawking invented his theory on black holes. Science, Technnology, and any thoughts about life in general would find a limit without creativity to push the limits and discover what no one else has. Again Einstein astounds us...


Noah E D said...
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Noah E D said...

Good points =D

Dr. P said...

Imagination is the bridge that gets you from the known to the unknown. It's what got Einstein from being a scientist to one of the greatest thinkers and thought provokers of all time.

Can you imagine a school where teachers never made you memorize or regurgitate information? I wonder how the students would turn out? My bet is they would become the leaders of the future. Challenge one of your teachers sometime to shift education from how it is now to one where creativity, innovation, and imagination are emphasized above all else!