Monday, November 24, 2008

An Answer...

Above is a link to a small passage about a possible answer to the Co2 problem. It mentions locking CO2 up in rocks. Sounds do able but my question is how permanent it will be. Lets say we are able to lock up millions of metric tons of CO2. If a earthquake happens to mess this up will these millions of tons be released back into the air. Doesn't sound bad but it doesn't actually permanently solve the problem. But least were thinking about it

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Communicating with Technology

NY Times Article

Above is a short NY Times Article about some of the pros of the technology many teens use to communicate. The technology many young adults use to communicate is text messaging on thier phones, IM chatting on the internet, or on socializing sites such as myspace for facebook. There were many pros listed about the use of such communicating tools such as getting familiar with technology and learning to create a homepage to clearly describe who you are. But it even goes farther than that. Right now I'm posting on the internet and communicating with people I possibly don't even know. So what advantages does this have? It lets me get my ideas out into the world and who knows maybe someone somewhere will hear what I have to say...

Anyways our school has blocks on all the computers that don't allow kids to access myspace or facebook. Although I wish it were otherwise I do initially agree with this policy. If there were no blocks students would spend the majority of the time they have access to a computer on such sites. Its just one more distraction to stop kids from working. However, if there was ever a way to moniter such use and only allow it when a student had free time, then I think myspace, facebook, and texting in class should be allowed. Hey if its good enough for NY Times...

Wednesday, November 19, 2008


So unfortunately we just recently lost a fellow student at our school, Bobby Donelson. I didn't personally know Bobby but I just wanted to say I'm sorry to everyone who did and my condolences go out to the family and friends of Bobby. I'm sorry

Monday, November 17, 2008

A peek at the future...

The link above is a list of some futuristic laptop designs. Some of these are really pushing the envelope. It seems the newest thing is all touch screen. Of course this makes sense because there is no need for a mouse and the keyboard is part of the screen. Some of the more farout concepts include a clear glass screen that uses holograms to produce a picture.

My question is if laptops will even be around much longer. All decent phones now have internet capabilities and all the good ones make owning a laptop just one more thing to carry around. Yet is still think laptops will survive. The biggest downside to handheld devices like phones is the screen size is miniscule and it is almost too small i.e. the buttons are too close together. People will continue to desire laptops for the bigger screen easier use, and of course the larger memory. Anyways check out the link and see what you think...(god i hate rhyming)

Thursday, November 13, 2008


So I'm just gonna say this again...I've got a ski blog up at Now I'm not saying this blog is better, but I will be posting all the pictures of me skiing there and it could be pretty sick. So go to the link and follow the blog to check it out

Let it Begin

Well yesterday marked the beginning of my senior wrestling season. It's gonna be a huge year, actually it HAS to be a huge year. I get no "next year"-s. What that means is state or nothing.

But anyways first wasn't bad we did some okay stuff with our assistant coach Ty Camelletti. Our head coach, Ty Zabel, was busy so he couldn't make it but anyways it has begun.

I'm looking to wrestle at about 135 lbs and we'll see how that goes. Anyways all i could think about last night was only 4 more It might be a long season, and there will be times I hate it. So why do it? I've asked myself the same question. Its because I love to win, I want to be the best, and there's nothing better than working hard and reaping the rewards by totally dominating some poor kid. That and I might be a little unstable, but all good wrestler's aren' all there.

Anyways thougth I would give a shoutout to let yall know I'm starting wrestling season and might be posting some mores tuff about how my tournaments go and all. Peace...

Tuesday, November 4, 2008


I got some Tattoo pictures up...


So today is election day for the 2008 election with Obama vs. McCain and whether you like it or not I'm gonna give you my two cents.

Straight up, I'm an Obama fan. More specifically, i'm not a McCain fan. I don't always agree with Obama but I agree much more with him than McCain. And more often than not his ideas make sense to me.

For example, I know he's looking to raise taxes, but he's gonna raise taxes for the upper classes. Unlike McCain who believes tax breaks for the upper class will trickle down...

Also Obama is big on natural or renewable energy sources. I support this and think that the next big thing is going to be a new energy source.

There are many other points I agree on but those are the main two. Anyways I'm a Obama supporter and thought I would let yall know

Monday, November 3, 2008

18 years; 936 Weeks; 6570 Days; OLD

Hey so I just turned 18! I can now legally buy tobacco products, porn, and go to war.....And none of these things matter to me! All that matters is I have a tattoo! I'll get a picture as soon as I can.