Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Obama... He's Everywhere

Obama just made history! Congrats!

By the way to everyone who saw the inaguration it was just a little funny when he messed up...nervous much. But it was a great speech and I'm excited for the next four years. History in the Making.

Of course I do think everyone spent way too much time celebrating his color and not his presidency. But he did good and we can let him have his day. Let's see what happens next...


Anonymous said...

i agree, i mean at first i was a bit scared about obama, but after his speach i feel a little bit more comfortable about the whole thing.


i agree, that was funny! lol

Noah E D said...

yeah that was pretty good...i thought it was funny how mad bush was getting

Willi said...

Ya i saw it and when Obama messed up that was pretty funny. It wasn't all his fault the other guy messed up and he didn't wanna say it wrong so he paused. Even though, it was still really funny.

Willi said...

Ya that was pretty funny when he messed up. The other guy kinda of started it because he said it wrong but ya really funny. The speach was just alright he really didn't have a crowd roaring speach. Bu hey he is president and lets hope for a good change.

ParrottBay said...

man everybody wrote about the mess up...
poor guy lol but yeah his speech was good

Brookelynn said...

Well as we just discussed like 5 seconds ago, it wasn't him it was the Chief Justice. But I would be nervous too you know thats a big deal!

Anonymous said...

I liked his speech it was good

Anonymous said...

I liked his speech, it was good

CHILOSA said...

hey well ya it was a little funny but i also hope everything goes well

God's Not Dead, Just Society As We Know It! said...

I agree, I think everyone did concentrate too much on his color and not the fact that he was our president but oh well. What's done is done.