Thursday, January 22, 2009

Right now...

So yesterday we had Rachel's Challenge come to our school. It was really deep and inspirational. It's also one of those things that really makes you believe in a higher power. I won't go into the details but its a very cool program and everyone should check it out. Anyways it gave me some very inspirational thoughts...

Like it seems all we are are small blips of light in an immense void. Is there more to life and what is it? Anyways I'm gonna have a hard time putting to words the thoughts in my head but the one thing I wanna share is the only thing I know for sure. All we have is right now. We don't for sure have tomorrow or the rest of today or even a minute from now. Nothing is guarenteed in the future and the past is impossible to exactly recreate. All we have and own for sure is the moment right now so be sure you are happy in yourself. That's all I wanted to say i guess


Anonymous said...

ya bro, i was really moved by the whole thing too, so if you ever want to talk just let me know.

Anonymous said...

That's very true...nothing in life is guaranteed, so live in the moment and make the most out of everyday.

"Life passes most people by while they're making grand plans"