Monday, January 19, 2009

Dr. Martin Luther King Day

So we just watched the I have a Dream speech my Dr. King and we were asked to blog about how we feel about racism today. Personally I feel good about it. Yes there are some whites who are racist to blacks, yet I believe there are just as many blacks who will feel the same way about whites. I believe there is tension yet I don't believe that the tension is unjust and is rather mutual. Of course I don't know to much and I'm not gonna pretend to. I live in a small school with very little diversity so there is little racism. And the amount of racism we have seems to me to be arrogant kids or people who have a dislike yet will not act upon it which is all that matters. I think we have come a long way from Dr. King's day and he would be proud of what he would see. Plus there's Obama =)

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