Thursday, December 18, 2008

My Website

Hey so I made me a website. Check it out

Its gonna be a lot of what you see here but its kinda cool.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Makin YouTube Bank

NY Times Article

The above article is about a chance to make some serious money, from posting online videos. YouTube has asked individuals to allow advertising on their videos. The effect. Google makes money and the poster's make money. So much in fact taht some have turned it into a full time business. The dream job now seems to be living at home and making YouTube videos. Then sit back and watch the money flow.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Sad Sad Day

A temp-worker at Wal-mart died on black friday this year. This is truly a sad day. It is appearent that some people value material objects much more than human life.

The NY Local Daily News went on to say "When the madness ended, 34-year-old Jdimytai Damour was dead and four shoppers, including a woman eight months pregnant, were injured."

Setting records...In a wheelchair!

Aaron Fotheringham is the epitome of inspiration. Talk about taking what you have and making the best of it!

Our countries leaders FAIL

There's something wrong with this...

Our countries leader's are not even educated in their field of profession. If they don't know much about the country they run, what is it they care about. This is truly pathetic, yet what is worse is that we elect these people. WTF! We should include this test on all candidates before we the people vote. That could produce a few laughs